Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Being Thankful

Well there it is then, Thanksgiving weekend comes to an end and we took Micah back to college, but not before we hit the city for a health appointment he had, and a little supper and shopping.

Getting some
Trying to find some "Healthy" Halloween candy.
It's a good season around this place as our sabbatical continues to unfold and the calendar says that there are three more weeks on our break, then I should be in tip top form and ready to go for another year or so.

It has been a good break and some of the counselling and workshops and reading I've been doing have opened my eyes to more of my insides. I'm growing in my understanding of me, and even finally some of my motivations start to grow clearer. I better understand why I react in certain ways to stress and work and even the basic things of life that I have long wondered about. There are clear answers finally coming, and for those I am entirely grateful. So in those ways, this break has been really good, above average.

In the "Resting" department, well, maybe that is still to be explored a bit more. We have been visiting family a good deal and been doing the personal growth piece, so I am settling down a bit more in my free time now to rest a bit more. So tonight I've been having some fun playing on the radio and checking in to a few Amateur Radio nets across Canada. Seems this radio puts out a good signal and I am getting lots of good signal reports back, which makes me happy.

So we are moving forward with new perspective and ideas.
For now I'm heading to bed. There still seems to be much sleep to be had and caught up on.

And I am thankful, for many many things.
That just needs to be said sometimes.
I am thankful.

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