The most crucial advice I can offer to any pastor, whether they're seasoned, just starting out, or even considering ministry, is profoundly simple yet immensely powerful. It's a truth that has resonated in my heart for years, and I've finally found the words to express it.
In the book of Acts, there's a remarkable passage where the Pharisees are astounded by the disciples' wisdom and eloquence, despite their lack of formal education. The secret to their profound knowledge? They had been with Jesus.
This, dear friends, is the cornerstone of effective pastoral ministry. The single most important thing you can do as a pastor is to consistently spend time with Jesus. This practice will unlock wisdom, deepen your understanding, and provide divine insight. It will equip you with Christ's words and empower you to teach God's truth with heavenly wisdom, guided by the Holy Spirit.
But what does 'being with Jesus' look like in practical terms? It means immersing yourself in God's Word daily. Are you reading the Bible regularly? Are you not just reading, but truly absorbing it, pondering its messages, and meditating on its truths? Equally important is prayer. Are you engaging in meaningful conversation with Jesus Christ, both speaking and listening?
I firmly believe that if you commit to these practices daily - spending time in the Word and in prayer - you will become an effective pastor. Combine this with a genuine love for people, and I can almost guarantee your success in ministry. This is more vital than any seminary education or formal training.
Looking back on my years in ministry, I can clearly see that my most fruitful seasons were those when I prioritized being with Jesus. So, to all aspiring pastors, I implore you to take this to heart. Make spending time with Jesus your top priority. It's the secret to pastoral success, the insider information that will set you apart.