Sunday, June 02, 2002

At board meetings

whoa, so a week slips by and suddenly it's Sunday again!

Well, I have excuses. Last week I was working like a crazy person to try to get everything done before Thursday. Thursday I was off to Strathmore Alberta, just east of Calgary, for the Covenant Bible College Board of Directors meeting. I was elected to the board at the annual meeting in April, so this was my first meeting.

Because I love my wife and family, I rented a car for the trip, (Turned out to be lots less than flying out for the three days) and left them the van. Well the car was a new, very red, Grand Am with 444 kms on it. Very cool. There were parts of me waking up that haven't been active since I was a teen who cruised 8th street in Saskatoon!

And, as long as I'm on the deal, what's with the cops pulling over a red Grand Am, but you can run a tired, Voyager Van and they never stop you? These are the deep questions of life.

I had a good time at the meetings. We got alot done,and God is at work.

God has been expanding the school rapidly over the past few years. We now have one school, with three campus sites. The struggle is to ride the wave of what God is doing, and to transition to the next wave of His activity, without loosing momentum.

Anyway, I think I'm going to love it.

and this morning was great too. God showed up in church in cool ways.

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