Tuesday, November 05, 2002

I cook, therefore I get sick

Where's My Head...

Yesterday, in a fit of inspiration from watching a Jamie Oliver Cooks Live Marathon, i offered to cook supper for the family.

Salad: good, with a red/purple lettuce, tomatoes, and cheese, and a creme dill/cucumber dressing.
Bread: good, with garlic and melted cheese on it.
Potatoes: Very good, baby potatoes, cooked till just firm, extra virgin olive oil, fresh dill, and a lemon squeezed over the whole works.
Meat: starts to fall apart... fried smokies, two choices, cheese and regular.
Dessert: good come back, new Mandarin oranges.

Well, by 9pm I was sick. But, no one else seemed to be, so that's a good thing.

Today's been a bit cloudy in my head and gut, but, well, Lauralea is cooking again so it should get better real quick.

Meanwhile, tomorrow I'm off to a town called Norquay for a pastors meeting. I think it's about 4 hours away from here, and the van's been acting up sooo... we'll see. I think I'm off around 7am and back around 7pm. Then off to parent teacher interviews at Johanna's school.

...ya know, the instructions said that the smokies were already cooked, so all they needed was boiling. Maybe I shudda tried that.

Your Fearless Eater.

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