Thursday, December 12, 2002

A Geek Goes To A Christmas Program

Well, it wasn't enough for me just to go and enjoy Micah's School Christmas Concert today. Being the geek that I am, I brought along my Ipaq and recorded parts of the program.

I digitized the audio and placed it on our website; anyone can access it over the Christmas season.

I tried to get a bit from each class, and I think I succeeded until my memory got full during the last song.

We put it up there mostly for our distant families to hear what the kids are doing for their Christmas programs. It's kinda cool. Last week we got an email from some missionaries in Brazil whose relatives were involved in our church concert (Which is also on our webpage) They were excited to hear their sister play her flute after years of being away. Like I said, kinda cool.

So, any of the kids or staff from Princess Margaret School (Good Ole "PMS", yeah I know!!) who wish to show off to their distant internet connected families, can do so. I will leave it up till after Christmas.

Blessings on you all,
hope you're having a Merry Christmas

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