Wednesday, March 26, 2003

What if church...

I've been thinking alot this year about church life and some of it's failures, especially to those of my generation. I'm starting to scratch around in the dust, looking for some hope for friends hurt and abandoned by the church. I've been thinking,

What would church be like with less systems and structures and more authentic relationships.
What would church be like if it didn't have to spend so much cash on staff and facilities and could give it's resources away, easily and quickly...
What would church be like if the main service wasn't on Sunday mornings.
What would church be like if you didn't have to wear uncomfortable clothing.
What would church be like if it wasn't striving to be the biggest or greatest show in town.
What would church be like if it didn't have a vision communicated from the head staff member.
What would church be like if it didn't have a mission statement or overt goals.
What would church be like if it didn't have scheduled "Greeters" at the door.
What would church be like if it was about dialogue and not suffering silence. A place for lots of conversation, and ongoing empowering discipleship relationships.
What would church be like if it was about real authentic community.
What would church be like if there was no music for a whole service. A church that would look for deeper expressions of worship, including more symbolism, not just 8 songs and a sermon.
What would church be like with really good coffee, or great green teas?
What would church be like as a place to pray, with others who love you enough to sit and pray with you.

I'm just wondering, what could church be like...

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