Sunday, May 04, 2003

Sunday afternoon, ahhhh.

What a weird weekend. Quite, well just weird.

Thursday night I took the fall while exploring my "inner child". While I was in the process of falling, Lauralea had the van and was running all over the place, till the last mall, when It wouldn't start any more. I, (In my weak condition!!) got over there with Todd and he looks at it and says "Fuel pump."

Todd and I pulled the thing to the shop for the guys to find in the morning. And I go home, in great pain, with no van and I need to be in Saskatoon Friday and again Saturday for the wedding i was doing Saturday afternoon!

Friday morning, i call the shop first, no problem, they can look at it that day. I call Gordon and Marion second and see if there is any chance of using their van, and bless em, there was no problem in that. Third, i try to get into my Dr.s clinic and they direct me to the walk-in Clinic down the street for my arm.

I get to the clinic (See previous post), i get to Saskatoon for the practice and i get home again and crash very hard.

Saturday early I get a call from a lawyer that one of the churches people is in jail under very serious charges. I tried to see him but he's very drunk and the police don't want me in there yet..... hmm...

I get a call from the Car shop, "Yep, fuel pump" he sez, "Looks like bout $400 and change" he sez. And since I know that a fuel pump is important to the running of a vehicle, I say "Do it" And his big finish is "It'll be ready Monday sometime." Monday??

The a call comes in from an alarm company, I am the second on someone's call list, and the police are on the way to the house. "What do you want me to do?" I ask, and it just seems they want me to know about it. I drove by, and there was no action, so I got back to work.

The wedding was great, but just a weird, very tired, walking around lots today kind of day.

I want my life back.

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