Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Death of a Salesman

Andrew Careaga and Fred Peatross have been talking about what I'm struggling with these days. Evangelism. Our early prayer meeting this morning ended up being much the same discussion. We have friends and co-workers who are in desperate need of Jesus, and they are willing to talk about spiritual matters, but they close up tighter than a jam jar lid that's been on a jar sittin on the shelf to long when you mention Church. They don't want anything to do with what they often rightly perceive church to be about.

We look at them and, well, it hurts because they're mostly right.  We don't feel that the church is a safe enough place for us to invite them to, especially for a Worship Service. The cultures of the people have grown to far apart. The church culture and the culture our neighbours live and work in are so far removed from each other. We may be able to win them to Christ, but then the clash comes when they enter our local. This has already happened with some we've been able to lead to Jesus. They aren't here on Sunday mornings.

And what of my neighbour who wouldn't be interested at all in a Sunday morning visit to my church, to worship a God he doesn't know, in a language he doesn't understand.

I'll quote Fred here:

"I have always been amazed at the stained-glassed evolution of Christianity: "build it, advertise, offer drama and praise songs and they will come." If my memory serves me right I think Jesus said (almost two-thousand years ago) it's about "going." Going means I go to the people and meet them where they are. It means entering their world on their territory with respect for the rules they live by."

Hmm. Going. Going as in going to his door at 9 am Sunday morning to invite him to my church? Naw.  If it's Jesus it probably means gettin' my sorry butt out of bed at 2 am Sunday morning and going over there and making some new friends. Going is hard work, and I imagine your reputation would take a beating. But it is about entering their world on their territory with respect for the rules they live by.

"Father, help us to go, whatever the cost, that some may know you. Help them to take you into their hearts, not our expectations, not our customs or rules, but you. Help us to go Lord, help us to go."


1 comment:

  1. That's right on. I feel like Christians should be in the places sinner's are. I think there are lines to draw but if we are serious about our faith we could do it. I believe it was Paul who said "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Does that mean we could go to a lounge, bar or pub and be in the world but not of this world. It would definitely take discipline and integrity but it is possible. I think thw world may not need more Christian social clubs. I think some of these have there place but I think mostly they become selfish. Church buildings often serve as a selfish function. Anyhow, I'm done ranting. I don't know how much I'll like some of these comments when I come backs to them.


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