Sunday, June 15, 2003

Founder's Day Fireworks

Well, today was Father's Day, and, if you follow the Christian calendar, it was also Trinity Sunday. But for those of us in Prince Albert, that's just not enough going on one day. We'd like to add a whole day of celebration and call it Founder's Day. Kind of in memory of those who started this party so many years ago.

Well, the best part to Founders Day is the Fireworks they run after 10 in the evening. It's a good thing the kids don't have school tomorrow, cause if I had let them stay up late to see that 5 minute show, we'll we'd all be a bit peeved. Funny, I don't remember it being quite so lame last year.

I did manage to get a few cool shots, so take a moment to oooh and aaah and check these out here.

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