Monday, August 04, 2003

Hot town, summer in the city...

Well, it's after 10 pm and the police are upstairs taking a statement from Lauralea.

Around 10 a whole bunch of fire trucks and cop cars raced past, and, since we care about where we live, we stuck our heads out the door to see if we could see, well, Lauralea did, I was lounging in bed, working on my Ipaq.

Seems a girl came to the house wanting to confess to; break and enter, starting a car on fire, stabbing and beating two girls. She was willing for us to call the police, so I did.

They were in the area already, looking for a car fire etc. So moments later two cars screech to a stop in front of the house.

They helped the girl (Who looked like her hand may have been broken) into the car and were interviewing her. And like I said, Lauralea is upstairs writing out a statement.

And so, the excitement continues.

Just another day in paradise.

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