Thursday, September 18, 2003

myfe ffffillllling ffffffaaal ooout

I think I just lost a filling. Gross. I hate that!!!!


Good think I'm off to a Deacon meeting, and the deacon chair is, my favourite dentist Linea!! I'll ask her to confirm it.


It's been a week, boy. I haven't even been able to get to the office yet today. I've been with people, and that's ok, that's what I'm supposed to be doing. But I'm out again tonight. Micah is getting right miffed.


"Dad, do you have another meeting tonight?"




"Oh, I thought so!!"


And so it goes. Every night this week I'm afraid.


I am trying to come up with some options regarding the negative attitude many do seem to be slipping into. That thing is starting to be a major concern and if it's not dealt with, it will boil over and someone will get hurt.


Sorry for the lack of deep thoughts these days. Time is at a premium, and I'm all out. Gotta go now, send up a prayer k?

and don't grumble.


  1. This is to confirm that Randall has holes in his head!

  2. Praying for you today, Randall, and not for your visit to Linea!!! We love you!


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