Friday, September 26, 2003

Seem's I'm a bit British

Ok, so I took Toni's challenge and took the "Are You British" test, and I got 57 out of 72 possible points.

"Thank you for completing this exam. Her Majesty is indeed pleased. You have a British index of 57.

You are as British as Liam Gallagher's broken teeth. Well done. Now go and beat up a prostitute."

You too can take the test, here.

Good luck with that mate.


  1. That's supposed to be 12 out 72.

  2. I got 1 out of 72. I am a foreigner. Just as well being that I am of mostly French and French Canadian stock.

  3. More worrying is that I got 69, and I'm Austrian!

  4. I am as British as Sherlock Holmes. That's a 40 out of 72.

  5. I'm a true dissapointment to my heritage 'ole boy.....a dismal 33 for me...."Long Live the Queen"......that at least should earn me another 25 points or so.......


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