Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Alright all you snow lovers.



So, for all of you who have been praying for snow, you can stop now!!!!!! God heard you, and not me.

I hate snow. Bah. Humbug.

All this in just 5 hours.


Earlier this afternoon, the city looked like this.

Oh, and the best part of this? A new addition to my winter. See that box on the right side of the winter photo, standing on the street? A new bright idea brought to you by the Prince Albert City Counsel.

In an effort to cut costs, the city distributed a huge garbage container on wheels to every home on the street. Now, each Thursday morning, (Friday mornings on weeks with a statuary holiday!) the homeowner gets to lug a huge, full of garbage container through the snow, through the tire ruts, over the piles of snow, down to the street, where the truck will now collect it. Sigh.


Brethen,   pray for me.


  1. Great pics. (Snow always looks better in pictures than in real life -- I'm with you)

    It sounds like you do garbage the way we do -- except we have three bins to wheel out. One is for garden material, one is for recycling, and the small one is for garbage.

    What did you do before you took your garbage out to the street. Did they come to the front door to collect it?

  2. My commiserations on the rubbish collection. We have 3 bins here too - recycling, garden and domestic waste. However there's nowhere near the house to leave them so every time the kitchen bin gets emptied someone has a walk down the garden.

    As for your weather - it's a soft day here in Oxfordshire. That means mist, drizzle and a very dark sky. Hopefully it will lift later, since the horizon looks bright.

    I drove to work this morning (dropped the kids off at the bus) only to realise that my wallet with access card was still at home. Went back for it and really didn't want to leave again :-( Mostly due to a nice welcome from Chris :-)

  3. Last evening I enjoyed my very most favorite moment of the year.....I stepped out the front door and just stood was that beautiful moment in time - of silence - that beautiful "snow silence", you know what I mean - with the snow softly falling......oh my.......I just can't help myself..... and I did pray FOR SEVERAL DAYS for snow..... Just go out there Randall and lie down and make an angel or something......hee hee.....

  4. Ahh Toni, the ole "I left my wallet at home" gambit eh??

    We used to share a big dumpster in the back alley among 4 or 5 homes. Then we would take our garbage to the big bin. At least then my kids could do it. But now the big one bin per home is too heavy for them to move.

    We also got a bin for paper, so they pick up one bin one week and the other bin the next week.

    I'm keen on the whole recycle thing, I'm just not hyped over the thought that the city will pile up the snow all along my curb, and I will have to get these huge bins safely up and over these snow piles.

    Sounds glorious where you guys live.

    And Sharon, I can't begrudge you your snow. Just enjoy it!!

  5. Ooooh! Ooooh! Real snow! *bouncing up and down like a five-year old* We don't get real snow in New Mexico. :( I miss real snow. I sincerely do.

  6. Well, Desert... if there was an affordable way to send you some, I surely would!!

    For now, all you can do is stick your head in your freezer!!

  7. LOL @ Randall.

    "Ahh Toni, the ole "I left my wallet at home" gambit eh?? "

    Yeah, but I went straight back to work, didn't I :-((


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