Friday, November 07, 2003

Blogrolled By Coop

I took a long time when I considered starting my own Webblog. Most of the time was spent considering the options, how much to write, how much to leave out, kind of things. And then I stumbled upon a webblog I enjoyed.

Jordon challenged his readers to start writing down their stories online too. He pointed out that most church websites were dead, static things in need of a stick of dynamite in the CPU. (My words, not his). And I agreed.

Now, the internet can be a dark place, filled with all manner of trouble as close as the click of a mouse button. It's a place where reality is easily twisted. (Just look at what your spam email tries to sell you...)

But it can also be a wonderful place of discovery, communication, friendships.

I wanted my corner of the web to be a place where I could tell my story, as it is. That life isn't all easy or all trouble, it is what it is, and God is good. And that just because I am a pastor, it doesn't follow that I always have it all together.

So I began writing, May 17, 2002 to be exact. Since then I've made some cool new friends. And not just online either. The online contacts have led to coffee's and lunches, retreats and worship, studies and prayer.

Some of you appreciate this place, and you let me know, and some of you really dislike what I write. I'm trying to get to the place where that's ok too.

But I really enjoy seeing the internet redeemed. By that I mean that this can be a place where God reaches people's hearts, -He communicates with them. And one way that happens is through honest stories. Stories of lives lived out, one day at a time.

And that's all I'm trying to do here.

So, earlier this week I was looking at who was visiting this page, and some were coming from I went to his site and saw that he had Blogrolled me! I was quite surprised. He has a huge reputation for being stingy with his blogroll!

I know that many many people write him, asking to be put on his blogroll. And I've talked to his friends who report having to sit through extensive interviews before he will even allow them on his roll. So I never even tried. :-)

But this week it kinda came full circle. The BlogFather Blogrolled me. To Cool.

So, in honour of this occasion, I have created this Recognition Sticker.

I wear it proudly, as a badge of honour.





  1. And since I'm on your blogroll that means I'm only one click away from Jordon Cooper. I can hardly contain myself. %-)

  2. Wow, I'm in awe!! It's an honor to know you Sir. Now do we need to knit you a touque for a larger sized head?

  3. Uh, my girls don't think I should wear a Touque!! Don't ask me why. I wanted to get one and they thought it was a bad idea...

  4. Randall, that's great, but I'm glad you do YOUR thing, not Jordon's. And that's particularly good.

  5. hmm, what I should do for being delinked from coop?

    - Peace

  6. Hmm, I suggest taking the Sticker and place a red circle around it with a line through it.

    That should do it!!


  7. I like the artistic freedom taken. I am not sure if it makes me look more like a superhero or something that appeared in an old Godzilla movie. Either way I like it!


Play nice - I will delete anything I don't want associated with this blog and I will delete anonymous comments.