Saturday, November 01, 2003

Going going ...

Well, She's headed to Victoria tomorrow, and I shall not be a basketcase.

Lauralea's going to celebrate a friends 40th birthday this week, so I shall be a single type parent thingie. I'm glad she can go for a while, she needed a break from this so called life, but it's gonna be interesting.

I was just informed, by Thomas, that he has a concert, Tuesday night, at the new Hall here in town. As for me, I have already planned to be at two different meeings that night at the same time!!

The girls have Doctors appointments, (I forget which day,) so, do I take them and hang around? Do I go in with them to confirm their alergy medication with the Dr.? Do I let them go alone?

Then there's making sure Micah and Thomas wear clean clothes to school....

And food...

Wednesday night is a meeting.

Thursday I've been informed by Johanna that she has an extra voice lesson. That's from 5:30-6:30, the supper hour, but then right after that I have an evenings meeting, which will probably go late.

Friday She's back. And I shall need...

Pictures of her trip.


  1. It's good to see you don't over-commit yourself :)

  2. Did you ever do active service, Randall? Sounds like this one needs a little 'military planning'.

    I don't suppose you have a fellow leader you can gently ask to help with the slack?

  3. Hey Toni - we're on it already. Randall IS going to his son's concert on Tuesday. We might not be able to change everything but some things are not that critical!

  4. Randall

    Go with your daughters to their Dr's appts and hang around. Nothing worse than a Dr wanting to inform a parent about something and having no parent there. That would be my call on that one.

  5. Thanks Linea, and all;

    The topic kinda exploded in the car on the way to Saskatoon today.

    Aparently Hillary has some class she just can't afford to miss on Monday, so I'm about to call your dental office to beg off her appointment for tomorrow. :-( Sorry.

    And, re. the Dr. My eldest doesn't want me within 5 miles of her Dr. trip, (It's not a big one, just a perscription update thing) and the second one really wants her mom there, though she's not sure how to say that, so we'll put it off a week.

    And, yes, I don't really know how these things sneak up on me... PTL we don't have a wedding this week!! But Alice is in the care home, and it looks like her ticket for heaven is nearly ready, so we may be saying bye to her this week, we'll see.

    Thanks guys for your concern, it looks like, and feels like love to me.

  6. Randall

    I will see that Hillary gets a new appt.


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