Friday, November 14, 2003


Last week it was a Funeral, this week it's a big wedding!!

It's going to be a real party, tomorrow afternoon at 5:30. We're talking candles, dim lighting, a beautiful dress, it's going to be great. I just hope everyone holds up.  :-)

A pastors job is never done. Here we go.


  1. Glad to hear that. Hope you're going to post some pics Randall.

    Out of interest Linea, does it take you back to yours, or do you think forwards to all the things you hope go well for them? Or both, of course?

  2. It takes me back to mine and it makes me hope so much for them. My son comes from a background of watching a marriage work for many years; his wife has been part of a family where the marriage didn't work. I can't imagine that mine would have worked as well if God had not been so important to us and helped us to hold it together.

    One of the hopes I have for these kids is that they will discover how important it is to put God at the center of their home and life together. If they do that then I am very confident that they will make it as many years as my husband and I and will maybe even do it better - who knows.


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