Saturday, December 13, 2003

No more BS

Alright, in the light of day it doesn't even look to bad. It's just gonna take three weeks to cure!


Here you go. And I should confess that with all this build up you may be looking for a gilded ceiling or something, with the trim done in the gemstone Amber. Well, sorry if I over did it. It is just an entry way in a 1973 bungalow, painted with a Burnt Siena color, and a white trim.
















You can click on the pictures to see larger ones.

Thanks for humouring me.






  1. Randall - it looks great! Glad it was all worth it (hopefully!) in the end, and thanks for the painting tips for the future!

  2. So, what are you so worried about? It looks terrific.

  3. Well done Michael Angelo. See you at the vatican in January ;-)

  4. HE needs some painting done around the house??

  5. If it looks this good in digital, I can hardly await the view in person. I personally think you should cover it over on Friday so folks won't beat at it with boots and miscellaneous pushing and shoving etc. OR you could have an entrance line-up with one person at a time either coming or going.....SAVE THE PAINT JOB AT ALL my don't need more stress in your life.......perfectionism can be the pits, I've been told!


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