Monday, December 22, 2003


There are usually around 100 of you who visit this site on a given day. Some of you leave comments, but most of you don't, and that's ok, lurk away!


But among you all, three of you participate regularly in the comments section. For that I'm thankful, cause otherwise this would just be me talkin to myself, which would be weird on so many different levels...


Since Toni lives across the great sea, I haven't been to any of his parties ...yet. So I have yet to secure a good picture of him. But yesterday at the church party I got a shot of two of these people, side by side. So, here to give a face to these faithful comment-ers is Sharon and Linea. The Party Girls.




  1. Thanks Randall! It was a fun party.

  2. Well it certainly looks like they had a good time. If you're over this way Randall I think I'll have to arrange a party, just to celebrate the fact ;-)


Play nice - I will delete anything I don't want associated with this blog and I will delete anonymous comments.