Thursday, January 01, 2004

2004 Day One

Well, day one of 2004 has been a treat.


Last night, I was able to drive the kids where they needed to go and without auto incident or accidents, (Hints or allegations, for you Paul Simon fans...)


We were at our small group's party till around 1:30am this morning, so we got to sleep late. The kids were at a youth party all night, till some time this morning when Matt (Bless his heart) dropped off the kids at home.


Then they hit the sheets and I haven't seen them all day.


Micah headed out with some church friends, and it looks like he's away for the night too.


So, Laura and I got out my Christmas DVD, "The Apartment" with Jack Lemmon and Shirley MacLaine (1960) it's one of my favourite movies of all time. It was a great treat to see it again, and we watched it without interruption! Very cool.


Now we are starting to wake people up, so they can go to bed at a decent hour tonight.






  1. Happy New Years from our family to yours. We too had a quiet day with kids sleeping for most of the day. I even had kids I didn't know about till they woke up! Then we heard some interesting stories about some of the parties last night. Ours was good too with the K's and K's.

  2. Well happy new year, one day late. We had a power cut yesterday, starting about 15 mins before I was planning to blog! Ended up lighting candles around the house, then going out for a meal, since we couldn't cook at home.

    Saw LOTR ROTK too, so good evening.

    Really didn't fancy work today. Oh well.


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