Thursday, January 08, 2004

Nouwen on The greatest void

We ignore what we already know with a deep-seated intuitive knowledge - that no love or friendship, no intimate embrace or tender kiss, no community, commune or collective, no man or woman, will ever be able to satisfy our desire to be released from our lonely condition. This truth is so disconcerting and painful that we are more prone to play games with our fantasies than face the truth of our existence. Thus we keep hoping that one day we will find the man who really understands our experiences, the woman who will bring peace to our restless life, the job where we can fulfil our potentials, the book which will explain everything, and the place where we can feel at home. Such false hope leads us to make exhausting demands and prepares us for bitterness and dangerous hostility when we start discovering that nobody, and nothing can live up to our absolutistic expectations.


  1. You know out of all days, today I was feeling lonely. Wanting a mate, wanting a relationship, etc. And how amazing is it that you wrote on this subject. God does work in mysterious ways. And deep down I do know that nothing can fill the void except God Himself.

  2. I think, if we are honest with ourselves, that knowledge of this deeper truth comes as we age and discover it's wisdom.

    I put it up there for me, to remind me of it's truth. I'm glad it was there for you.

    He knows what he's doing.

  3. O.K. God has a sense of humor. I just got home from coffee and great talking about this exact thing. Only God knows how exactly accurate this quote is for this week - month! Thanks Randall.


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