Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Blogging from the living room

Well, here's an update on the whole office computer meltdown thing.

I began to do a rebuild on all the software for that old 150 I was using at the office. When someone from church heard of my plight and donated their old one to the church, for my office. It's a 300, twice my old speed, so I'm crusin now.

Meanwhile, my old 150 seems to be holding together, though it's very slow. So I brought it home to let the kids use to type their homework on, etc. I set it up in the living room because I didn't want them in the same room trying to do homework on two computers, at the same time.

Then late one night I had an idea to get a wireless router and see if I could get the net working on that old computer in the living room. I uesd the last of my christmas money to buy a WiFi, and voila! I'm sittin on the floor, in the living room, looking out at the blowing snow and ice fog. And some kid is on the computer downstairs working away. Not bad at all.

Thanks again granpa and granma for the christmas money.


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