Sunday, February 29, 2004


So, this morning at 9:15 we are ready to start the worship practice at church and I get called to the phone. It's one of my daughters asking if I can end practice and come pick her up and take her to Walmart so she can get some sandals for church. Seriously.

What do you do with that?!?



  1. Uh, yeah, are important.

    At least she is communicating with you and not out doing drugs....bless her heart, she would rather spend money on shoes than drugs...see I am a good influence on your daughters.

  2. LOL - I know it won't be long before our daughter will ask the same questions! I can hardly wait for Darryl's reaction!!

    On the more scientific side: several days ago I read some leading research where they have discovered that the greatest amount of neurological development (after birth to 4 years) occurs in the teenage years in the area of the brain where adults make rational decisions (okay, so for some adults the development at this stage is less successful than for others!!). In any event, because the brain is so busy making these pathways, teens use a different area of the brain for decision-making which results, at times, in decisions that do not make sense to adults. So really, it's not about the shoes at all!

  3. Robyn:

    Uh, yeeah thanks! I think she outgrew your foot size this winter, so now I'll have to start buying her shoes, ... or medication...

    Hi Char:

    I saw the same report, and it gave me a great deal of hope. I think I was trying to be helpful when, at the supper table I explained to them how their undeveloped brains were actually working!!


    Is it quiet round your home these days?

    Been thinking bout you all. I did that educational time away from home last year!

  4. Randall: Hi! Yeah - I can see that the whole brain development thing plays much better with parents than with kids!

    Things are quiet once the kids are in bed and we definitely miss having Darryl with us. Thank you so much for your thoughts.

    Robyn: Sorry to bore(?), offend(?) Happy shopping

  5. Actually Char's comment helped me as well...with my employees.

    Robyn: Did you fold these shirts?

    Employee: Yes.

    Robyn: they arent in size order, or size stickered. Do you know they have to be that way?

    Employee: Yes.

    Robyn: Uh, why didn't you do that?

    Employee: Uh, I dunno....can I go for a break?


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