Thursday, February 26, 2004

The Passion of the Christ

Bob Smietana over at is reviewing the Gibson film, The Passion. He writes:

There´s a heart-wrenching scene about two-thirds of the way through Mel Gibson´s "The Passion of the Christ." Mary (played by Maia Morgenstern) has been trying to get close to her son since he was arrested in the garden of Gethsemane.

Now she´s waiting on the way to Calvary, hoping to see her son. Suddenly, she turns her head, unable to bear his suffering. John beckons her, but she can´t bear to look.

Then there´s a crash - Jesus (played by James Cavazel) has fallen. The cross is too heavy, and Jesus too beaten down to carry it.

The film flashes back to when Jesus was 4 or 5 years old, and falls down while playing. The young boy Jesus cries out. Mary picks him up and comforts him. "I´m here," she says, "I´m here."

Suddenly, we cut back to Mary in Jerusalem. She rushes to Jesus´ side. "I´m here, I´m here," she says, touching his face as the Roman soldier haul Jesus up and take him away.

The Passion is filled with scenes of remarkable emotion like that.


...That´s why all the talk about the Passion being "the most important outreach event in 2000 years" as it´s been called misses the point. This is a film meant as worship, not as outreach. As devotion, not evangelism.

Good line.
Whenever it does get to Prince Albert, I think Lauralea and I will go see it.


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