Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Where are you church?

Marc writes:
A new study of the Barna Research Group shows that in 2004 (compared to 1994) more adults in America are reading their Bible, participate in small religious groups and pray, but church-related involvement has remained flat. According to Barna "the church-oriented endeavors showed no movement. This may be an early warning sign that we are entering a new era of spiritual experience - one that is more tribal or individualized than congregational in nature."

Hmm. God is answering our prayers for spiritual awakening, and the church isn't ready to receive it.


  1. Just wondering - who is the church? We are. We are the generation who is more individualized so it makes sense that the church isn't ready to receive it or go back. Maybe the old way isn't where God is leading, but our generation has a lot to learn from the old ones about community, commitment and caring. We are a selfish generation. I hope we are following where He leads and not just getting lazy.

  2. Yes!! I like to think God will blow his breath on us....first......before we try to get ourselves "ready" to receive him....when that happens, perhaps the need for "institution" slips into the background and we're left with just us. When God comes in power, priorities seem to fall into place, fruits of the spirit are evident, selfishness not being one of them. The Bible becomes our very source of life....YES.... and THEN we begin to think about feeding the poor, clothing the children, anointing the sick with oil......... I believe my "boomer" generation has fallen short in our teachings of selflessness.... we have made for ourselves too many "golden calves" and they look pretty fine in our china cabinets/driveways (until we decide to move the beasts)...woe is me..........breathe on us, Lord Jesus.............

  3. To be honest, the more POMO stuff I read, the more I see a generation in rebellion, yet seeking bondage to things that the patina of age and distance of history has made attractive. This reflects current society where every man does what is right in his own eyes and where 'retro' rules.

    I think God's message to the church has never really changed - "come out of her". The EC has caught hold of some aspects of this, wanting to leave the dead establishment, and this is good. I am concerned that it's trying to build another structure, as unsound as democracy, but based on humanistic thinking and modern social values.

    I will be truly fascinated to see what does emerge over the next decade. But we are starting to see a non-christian, un-churched generation, and that gives me hope, because they won't have had their hunger for God damped out by psuedochristian societal values.


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