Monday, April 26, 2004

Silence is good.

Wednesday I'm off to Winnipeg for meetings.

That means that I've had a number of deadlines to meet, so I've been working double time around here. Everybody's been very patient, which is good, but it will surely be great once it's all done!

So I'm trying to get ready. Wednesday will be a 10 hour drive I guess, and Thursday is my major interview, regarding my status as a Covenant pastor. I have to defend a paper I wrote and be interviewed on my views of a number of pastoral and ministry things. So I'm a bit nervous.

Having said that, the Canadian interview will be different than the American interview, in June. For that one I need to show up in "Business Attire." I need to find out if that means Prince Albert business attire or Chicago business attire. 

So, this place will be a little quiet through to next Monday, I think, unless I find a net-connection someplace.



  1. are you gonna go to Old Navy....cas I need this bikini top exchanged......

  2. Will be thinking of you.

    Sheesh - having interviews internationally.

    Drive safe.

  3. Just remember to mention P.P. Waldenstrom a couple times, and you'll be okay.

    Last time I was there (a couple years back), business attire meant suit or sportcoat and tie. Brad has a Scooby Doo tie he brings out for the occasion. Although next year I'm going in California business attire, which means surf shirt and flip-flops.

  4. Where does Saskatchewan business attire fit in? Bib-overalls and plaid shirt! I think you could very well make a "prairie fashion statement" - in Winnipeg AND Chicago! Don't forget the work boots and P.A. Raiders cap (on backwards, of course) and you'll be set. I'll be a prayin'....

  5. I'm up to speed on P.P.W so that should be ok. But I don't have overalls or a raiders cap!!

    I honestly do not know the purpose of a tie, other than to experss the wearer's personality. Which explains so much about Brad! So, if Brad has a Scooby Doo tie, maybe I should get a tie with a dancing hoola girl on it front...

    And Robyn, I don' think the Old Navy would buy the fact that I wanted to return a Bikini top, just because it doesn't fit me.

  6.'s probably too small for you too.

  7. Yeah, watch out for the "American" interview (which is really a denomination-wide interview staffed by Canadians and Americans). If you have the wrong shade of black you're deemed heretical. That's just the way the Covenant works. ;)


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