Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Blogfest 2k4

Lauralea and I hit the Blogfest in Saskatoon tonight and had a blast.

Becky, who called us to this get together, was in fine form...









And the rest carried on with the chatting and connections.

Um, Marc, Becky, Leighton, Linea, and Jordon. (Well, his head anyway)






This is the best part of blogging, meeting those who read you and others you read, with skin on. Really, one of the best parts. These are interesting, quality people.



As I said, it was a blast. Thanks Becky.




  1. It was great having the PA contingent out in full force! Cheers especially for Lauralea for coming out on her anniversary -- it was great having you both! :)

  2. p.s. I stole an image to put on my site -- I hope you don't mind! :)

  3. No Wendy or Mark?

    Nor Carol, for that matter? Or is Leighton keeping her out of sight for now?

  4. No problem with the pic.

    And, Wendy had to work, so we really missed her.

    Now this Carol, I can't wait to meet her!

  5. Randal - belated Happy anniverary. Great to meet you last night!


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