Friday, September 03, 2004

Who do you call when life fails you?

I'm praying for a friend today. She's in another land right now, thousands of miles away, and she is broken. Her life seems to be caving in on her, and her mind and spirit are beginning to shut down.

I wish I could travel the miles to be there. To sit with her and drink tea and remember what it means to live life well. Today the miles are a great wall of separation.

We got a call this afternoon from someone who knows her. They say she isn't well at all. That she needs help, that she needs prayin for.

I ache to see her face again, but for now father rush to her side. Hold her head to your breast as she weeps and wonders why. Breathe into her the breath of life.  And as you draw her hair away from her tear stained face, whisper the words of life into her ears.

She needs you Lord, with skin on. Please send one of your emissaries to be with her, to guard her and love her.

Please father.

please help her.

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