Monday, October 04, 2004

7 down

I've been thinking lately, how it's been seven years, to today I think, that the search committee of Gateway Covenant Church flew me in for a sneak visit to the church. It's a bit fuzzy, but as I recollect they had brought in a possible candidate or two to present to the church, who turned out to be rather a poor fit. So, they brought me in to meet with them as a committee, and I attended church, kind of as a visitor on Sunday morning.

I remember it was a weird, fun weekend. I wasn't motivated to leave the place where I was pastoring, so I felt no pressure to perform. I was able to relax, and be myself.

I recall that the search committee was huge, as in 15 people or so. The thinking was to have all the different groups that made up Gateway, in that group. I remember feeling like the task was way bigger than I was, that we could fit here, but my work would change from church planting/building to church care and healing. I had felt God leading me in those directions for some time already.

Sunday morning the church thought I was a guest, and treated me as such. I remember feeling welcomed, but the Sanctuary was so open and empty ...

After the service, the search committee and I went out to lunch, and I saw how they interacted with one another. That was kind of a neat thing, I recall being impressed.

Later that afternoon I flew back to Winnipeg. And a couple of weeks later the church called and asked if we would like to bring our family down for a weekend, which we did.

The rest, as they say, was history.

Mostly, I love it here.

I love the generosity and patience of the people. I love the city. I love that we've been able to explore different kinds of worship. I love that the church has been getting healthy, that the children have been growing up and going into ministry themselves.

And, after 7 not always easy years, I can say I do love being here still. And I'm ready to remain as long as the head of this church wants me to stay here.



  1. Hooray! Others in P.A. want you to stay as well!

  2. I remember saying a couple of years ago that you were getting us ready to go, helping us to heal, forgive, get healthy, but the going part has been harder than I thought. I still feel we are going in the right direction and I probably just need to trust God a little more. Thanks for caring for us.

  3. Congrats, seven years is a big deal.

  4. Congratulations Randall on 7 years. That is a big deal - and I'm sure that those among whom you serve are blessed as a result. I remember a leader telling me at the beginning of my ministry years that you don't really become effective until you have been around for 7 years. Perhaps the best is yet to come. May the Lord grace you with many more years of joyful and fruitful work.

  5. Thanks for listening to the head of this church and coming in the first place. He has blessed us with your being here, living life with us, helping us see places God wants us to go.

    I remember you saying once that God said you should just love us. Well you have - with that kind of love that obviously comes from the source of it all, since we are not always a fun bunch to love. Thanks to you and to God. I hope he lets you stay around here for awhile longer.

    Now that sounds a bit too pious on re-reading it - probably enough to make you go put on your robe and stole and start polishing up your halo. Meh (as you might say), we know you're real.

  6. I said "meh" first.

    (stupid copycat. everyone copies me. nose ring first, words of the week. I'm telling you "the bump" will catch on. just you wait, in a year, it'll be a catch phrase)

  7. Well, that all certainly proves one thing. That the readers of this space are some of the brightest people on this blue ball.

    Thanks you guys. You bless my world.

  8. And where did those 7 wonderful years go? You and Lauralea have been just what The Doctor ordered...... I have enjoyed watching you both living out your lives - as Christ - such graciousness.....and then again I have enjoyed watching your "weirdness" too and the ways you think and express yourselves and I especially like watching you make mistakes because I know you are the first to admit them..... you're teaching me alot, both of you.....looking forward to the next 7..........thanks, love ya'

  9. Stick around for a few more yet.


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