Monday, November 22, 2004

Back safe and (Just a little) sound

Well, got back Sunday morning around 2 am, and back to the church by 8.

Feelin alot better today, after a few sleeps and after Toronto beat B.C. in the Grey Cup final. I was cheering for Pinball Clemons all the way. I do believe the first Black head coach to win a pro football championship.

My mom & dad were up a bit today to check out a different car up here in Prince Albert. So we helped them this morning.

Then this afternoon Lauralea and I went out for coffee, and a trip to the Christmas candy store in the mall. They are this family run fudge business that only comes in November, and stays till Christmas. I was waiting for them this year, mainly because they make the most amazing fudge....

words fail me... 

It's like pieces of heaven made just for your mouth.

Of course I've never been to heaven, (Don't tell Lauralea that...), but if heaven is such an amazing place, and it's better than, well, sex and fudge, well then it's going to be worth the trip, that's for sure.












1 comment:

  1. I like the cookies and cream....and the maple.....and the extra chocolate........and the vanilla............and the marshmallow cream......but I don't care for chocolate mint fudge.....but I do like those After Eights with the mint inside.....funny...........


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