Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Christian Rock, before those two words ever went together.

For those of you wanting to take a little trip down memory lane, here's a ride.

Larry Norman tunes you can listen to.

Via. Bob


  1. Oh Larry Norman,

    do you suppose a miracle is happening to me?

  2. I can't believe how much time I've spent following this link and listening to these old songs. I love em'. I should have been a teenager in the seventies.

  3. I was a teenager in the 70s, and I still remember being blown away upon my first listen to a friend's LP of "Only Visiting This Planet". I also remember some heated discussions with my parents who believed the term "Christian Rock" was an oxymoron, when I started buying Larry Norman LPs. The argument, "why should the devil have all the good music?" didn't convince them. Larry's music still sounds fresh to me. Thanks for these links.


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