Thursday, December 30, 2004

Big News!!!!

Did I say Big News?  Sorry, I mean BIG NEWS!!!

I just discovered while tuning the ole Radio dial, that CBC Radio 2 is beginning to transmit up here in Prince Albert at 89.1 FM!!!!!!


After 5 years of letter writing and impatient waiting it's looking like Prince Albert has it's new Radio Station, well, transmitter at least.

CBC Radio 2 broadcasts "Classics and Beyond," Whatever "beyond" means. Finally, another culture other than Top 40 and Country and Western is broadcasting in P.A. This is a day for rejoicing. Good thing I bought a turkey we're roasting to eat tonight. I think a celebration is due us, after 5 years of letters and prodding.

You can listen to it here.

Guess what I'm going to go listen to...


  1. It's a shame you're not excited or anything. ;)

  2. Actually, what's a shame is that I am so easily impressed.

  3. Found it today and listened to it while driving around. Sure is a nice change. Thanks for alerting us to the fact that it is now here.

  4. Ya, and I even got husband listening to the channel as we drove around.....and the opera was in German yet!!! This must be a really good sign of great things to come for 2005. Maybe having it sung in German was the "Beyond" part....hee hee


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