Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Met an old co-worker today

We had our Ministerial Christmas luncheon today. It was good to be there and share some time together.

I sat with another pastor I hadn't seen in over a year. He's changed to another church, just out of town, on a reserve.

As we sat and talked I thought about how interesting it is that some people you easily connect with, at deep levels, quickly.  I dunno, spirit connections maybe?

Anyway, that's how it was when I first met this guy many years ago. He leads a church of a different flavour than I do, and it always interested me how and why he came to the church he was at when I first met him. He said he came to that church to do palliative care. I thought he was working with the cancer patients. He corrected me, "Nope, I'm coming to see the church through it's final days."

He was there doing that for 6 years and I really respect him for doing that work.

He worked very hard for those years to see that church live, but in the end, it wanted to be done. Now it is, and they just don't know it yet. A bit like a physical body after the Spirit has left it.

Now he's in a small church on a reserve, a humble work by all accounts, and he's enjoying it.

God is good.

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