Thursday, December 02, 2004

What's your flavour of the month?

Clinton left a comment I couldn't leave alone. He wrote:

Some of these Churches have organs, drums, distorted electric guitars, piercings, dyed hair, make-up, don't allow make up, dance, hug, cry, laugh, ignore emotions, preach in shorts, preach for an hour, paint pictures, wear ties, wear swimsuits, serve alcohol, have icons, reject idols, separate men and women, separate children from adults, frown on Halloween, dress in Halloween costumes and give out candy, play country music, play hymns, play jazz, play contemporary music, chant, don't believe in musical instruments, drive mercedes, walk for miles, use sweetgrass, smoke cigarettes, have same-sex preferences, date, don't date, don't gamble, win $10 million, avoid pubs, hold gospel nights in bars, shun technology, use powerpoint, have small groups, don't have small groups, wear hats, forbid hats, have religious hats, require head coverings for women, don't allow women in ministry, have women pastors, only use KJV, don't allow men to have long hair, require that women do have long hair, use only latin, speak in tongues, ascribe tongues to the devil, baptize infants, rebaptize those baptized as infants, use ritz for communion, eat Jesus during communion, serve coffee, teetotal, own a building, rent a building, don't have a building, meet in a house, meet in a tent, meet in a field, tithe, go bankrupt, reach out, reach in, use chairs, use pews, use dirt, have memberships, believe being a Christian is membership, love Jesus, serve Jesus, become more Christ-like.

I have been in many Christian cultures and none of them are identical. Their only similarity is Jesus. He tends to be unchanging and eternal for some reason ;) .

Yep, like a collection of different gems in His crown.

That's us.


  1. I love it! I've got to fit in there somewhere! And so do some of my newer friends who don't think they belong in a church!

  2. I was busy and missed the earlier discussion. I didn't realize that this was part of a lengthy debate. I just finished reading it! Interesting!

    Anyway, I still like the all-inclusiveness of this quote from Clinton! I think heaven is going to be made up of some wonderfully strange individuals! I expect to be there! So I guess we need to start getting used to one another!


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