Well, I recon that holiday is over. This morning the calls started hot and heavy, seemed like GrandCentral Station round here. So I'm kinda back to it, work that is. Maybe I'll try to take the remaining day or two off later on in the month.
Lauralea got this "Look" in her eyes when the phone started this morning, so we made some plans and headed out for supper and a movie. We went out for pizza and then headed to Oceans 12. I'm still not to sure what I thought of the film, but I think I liked it!!
Anyway, things are picking up speed now.
One of my desires for the year is to keep developing my writing. So I want to continue to use this place for that exploration. I have a few writing projects I've been asked to complete this spring, but I'm looking forward to continuing on in this space.
I think I liked the film too. I saw it a couple of weeks ago and meant to post a brief review, but I had forgotten. Perhaps I will later tonight.