Saturday, February 19, 2005

BloggermeetUP 2 ...this time it's personal...

Had a great time tonight, meeting some like minded individuals. Bloggers to be exact.

Now, the impression may be that in any bunch of Bloggers you will find pocket protectors, white tape holding our glasses together, and hair that stands straight up. Not this bunch baby. (Well, mostly!!)

Becky again was the host, and she does it so well. I think it's part of that Southern charm/hospitality thing she's got goin on.

Lauralea and I had a great time. Here's the evidence.

Yeah, a great time.


  1. I had a wonderful time last night. It was so nice to meet you (I just wish I'd had more time to connect with you and Lauralea).


  2. Hi there, Randall. I'm so used to everyone knowing everyone else, I just assumed that I'd stick out like a sore thumb. (Probably didn't... you just didn't know which thumb I was). :)

  3. Belay that. I can view pics for myself.

  4. So...... who was it got engaged?


Play nice - I will delete anything I don't want associated with this blog and I will delete anonymous comments.