Thursday, February 24, 2005

How big are His hands?

About six weeks ago a friend poked his head into my office and checked if I wanted to go for a quick breakfast. I needed a break and he was buying, so you know what the answer was.

We had a good time, talking about this and that, interweaving it with our stories and bits of toast and coffee and God. I don't push the God thing alot because well, I'm not sure how much God is a part of his life.

Anyway, that kinda started a rhythm for us. Now each week, same time and place, we meet to talk and enjoy the sunrise. I've been thinking how much I enjoy the time we have together, it's good, you know? 

Tonight I received word, he has cancer, and it might be bad.

So, I'm praying and watching God for him. Looking back on the delightful early mornings we've shared together, amazed at God's perfect timing.

And again, I know that God loves him, and me, and that He holds eternity in his hands. My friends, mine, and yours.


  1. Do you know

    Have you not heard

    Has it been told you from the first

    Have you not understood

    From the forming of the earth

    He sits enthroned

    Above the world

    And sets the heavens like a tent

    A place for us to live in

    A place for all to live

    Who has measured the waters

    In the hollow of His hands

    Do you know

    Who has marked off the heavens

    With the breath of His word

    Do you know

    Comfort my people

    Comfort my people

    Says the Lord

    He brought out

    The starry host

    One by one He called them by name

    Why do you still complain

    That He doesn?t know your ways

    Lift your eyes

    And look to see

    Who created all of these

    And never more complain

    That He doesn?t know your ways

    ~"Comfort My People" - Steve Bell's adaptation of Isaiah 40.

    This song moves me every time.

  2. A pastor's gotta have skills. Like, you should really get some sweet bo-staff skills. That would totally make you a way awesomer pastor.

  3. Thanx Marc, for the cool reminder.

    Matt, is bo-staff like nunchucks, cause I once had an awesome pair that I kept in my locker...

    And don't forget. You know, like nunchuck skills, bowhunting skills, computer hacking skills... Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills.


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