Monday, February 07, 2005

Some Thoughts on Midwinter in Chicago 8

Actually, here are a few shots I took while in Chicago.



  1. Excellent pics.

    I hadn't realized that Chicago has mountains. :-)

  2. Yup. Clicking on the link brings me to a slideshow that includes pictures of Chicago mixed in with some other pictures. The third thumbnail from the end shows a mountain.

  3. I'm from South-of-the-Border and have been silently enjoying your blog for months now. Just wanted to thank you for your words and your pictures. If you don't mind, what kind of camera do you use?

  4. Sorry Anne, I meant Ann!!

  5. Hi Anne, nice to hear from you.

    I use a Kodak LS443 Zoom. A digital camera.

    I love it. It provides me with enough options so that I can experiment with it and learn how to take interesting pictures. I especially love the lens that came on it.

    "Kodak teamed up with Schneider-Kreuznach, the German producer of the world's highest-quality professional lenses. Together, the companies developed the Schneider-Kreuznach Variogon lens used by the LS443."

    The beauty of a digital is that you can experiment and keep taking shot after shot, improving your skills.

    I have this creative streak but I can't draw or paint. This camera gives me a creative outlet!

  6. Nice tric...How did you do it?????????????????????

    cant you tell your son???That sukes


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