Thursday, February 17, 2005

Suppose, just suppose

...that you were helping two old friends get talking with each other again. And suppose one of the friends had a very big, very bad legal secret in his history that his friend knew about. And suppose the friend who knew about it was so angry that he would threaten to tell you about it. I suppose that would make you responsible to contact the authorities then wouldn't it?

It would also mean that chances are that two large neckless men would visit you in the evening and shorten you to the tune of the distance from your knees to the ground.

I suppose that's where I'm living today.



UPDATE: Thanks for your concerns. The "problem" has been set aside, for now. God is good.


  1. Sounds like you need that big old angel you asked to have accompany me to the Congo at your side. Praying.

  2. Get out your armour.....does the Bible talk about knee pads???........praying too.....

  3. Ouch - somehow I managed not to see this until it was history. Glad you're OK.


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