Monday, March 21, 2005

March 21. Spring has arrived!!

Spring Has Sprung

The birdies sing because it's spring.
And bunnies hop, hop, hop.
From below the grass, the flowers wake,
And up their little heads pop.
They greet the trees and warm spring breeze.
With a cheery spring hello.
To tell the world the spring has sprung
And the winter snow should go.
How wonderful the springtime
With all its life anew.
I hope that this and every spring
Bring happiness to you!


  1. 5 more days 'till mexico! that's all that's pulling me through at this point. And if it's not better out by the time i come back, then i'll be grrrr-ing a whole lot.

  2. um spring???

    I call bull shit.


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