Friday, May 27, 2005

"We do not grieve as those who have no hope..."

It's amazing to watch as Toni and Chris, and Ben walk in the grace that is Jesus Christ. The poise and clarity they are being given on a daily basis, by God, is simply profound.

Their emails are consistent with their public words and language. This I know.

So, we continue to ask God to be all over them, and Dan, who was Sarah's good friend, and who was driving at the time.

And word comes this morning that the other girl in the car, Gemma passed away during the night. So we ask God to be with her family, as he is with Toni and his crew.

The funeral will be next week, and I'll be there, in the Spirit.


  1. Randall - thank you (and your fellow canadian brothers and sisters) for all the love and prayer support they've given us. Without you guys, we'd be on the floor.

  2. the other day, when reading toni's blog, he said " I hope this has changed me as a person. I want to be different, with rearranged priorities..." At that I wept, and wept. At that, I changed my priorities.

  3. Oh God, oh God, oh our comfort...walk these days with those grieving...Toni, Chris, Ben, Dan, Gemma's family......and us too God. We grieve too, we weep for them. We need your arms around us too. We praise, we worship you God this hour, this day......this coming week.


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