Sunday, May 29, 2005

Lovely day for a suicide

he lives alone with his pretty 16 year old daughter

her mom, his wife, killed herself a few years ago and their daughter found her

today was a beautiful sunny warm weekend day

a perfect day to do himself in

leaving her all alone

to find him

and she did


Public Service Announcement:

If you are at a particularly difficult stage of life and the only option seems suicide, please stop a moment and think about the person who will find you, the person who will be left behind.

Think about them. Stop thinking about yourself.

Brought to you by the pastor who sat with the shocked girl all evening in the hospital. 

1 comment:

  1. That makes what we've had look like a picnic. How un-utterably sad and hard.

    I used to work with someone who did that, leaving behind a devoted wife and some children. To me, the self centeredness of suicide only comes from the pit. Having considered it myself once, I can say that with some assurance.

    Thanks for letting us know, Randall. Will try to pray for this poor girl.


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