Sunday, July 24, 2005

"We must use this power for good"

I remember when my grandpa first got a television, in the early 90's. Being a good churchgoing Mennonite, he was convinced that the moving pictures on the screen happened as a result of witchcraft.

Zoom ahead 10 years and we sit here with the Internet. Similarly, for some people the only way to describe it would be to say it's a result of witchcraft. 

It's all technology, and technology can be used for good or ill.

Yes, the Internet can be dangerous, and yes you could be hurt while being involved with it. (I suppose the same could be said for stoves, cell phones, and Clap On Clap Off light switches!)

And again, it's what you do with it.

Yesterday as Lauralea and I sat with a bunch of other people having lunch, I thought what a great thing the Internet has been in my life, if only to enhance my friendships.

We had lunch with a few people, most of whom I met as a result of the net. We had beef and veggie burgers, and deserts, and a bit of a gale force 5 hurricane. But we had a great time of connection, catching up on each others stories.

It was good.

And I thought what I might have missed, if it were not for this here internet thingie.


1 comment:

  1. I remember hearing that when radio first appeared (wireless - that's a MUCH better word) some christians thought it must be satannic in origin. He was the prince of the power of the air.


    Guess you've got to walk in faith in whatever you do.


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