Sunday, July 03, 2005

Photo Story 3 for Windows

Maybe, just maybe, Microsoft is beginning to get it.

I heard about this free little program that would take your pictures, add some audio and Badda Bing, shoot out a nice little video clip, at a compressed size.

Photo Story 3 is that little program I can't say enough about. Sweet indeed.

Now, it needs XP and Media Player 10 to create the videos. But others can download them and they will play on some of the older Window's Media Players. They simply will download the Codec for it.

Here is a little 2.22 min clip I threw together of the grad last weekend. It's about 4.5 megs in size.

I added the pic's and the tune. The software made the transitions and settings.

See what it does for you.

1 comment:

  1. good Halmark commercial....I could make money with that one.

    "When you care enough to send the very best."


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