Thursday, July 21, 2005

the power windows happy dance of joy!!

oh yeah!

The reader will recall that this spring, my air conditioning went down on the van. This would require much much cash to resolve, so I've resorted to opening the windows.

Last week, for whatever reason, the power windows stopped working. No fresh air. No joy. No happiness.

Thomas and I have been working hard ever since to make it better. We studied and pulled apart the doors and switches and battery and fuses and and and, we couldn't find the problem.

That's a major problem.

Till today, on my way home. I sent up another prayer and as I pulled into the driveway, I tried them again.

First, slowly, the passenger window went down, then up. Then I tried the drivers window, and with a little inspiration, it too began to work.

Unbelievable. Truly unbelievable.

No idea on the problem, or the solution. But now we can get air into the thing.

C'mon do a happy dance. You know you want to!!!


  1. maybe you should just leave the windows open all the time....

  2. Oooooops....just fell off my desk....the dancing was good though.....

  3. Well if God can raise the dead, I reckon He can fix power windows.


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