Monday, August 08, 2005

Decompression: Day One

I usually find that it takes about a week to undo and untie the connections to my work. This year to help with that, Lauralea and I are heading to small town Saskatchewan. Her mom and dad's place is in a small prairie town that allows for nothing much more than a daily walk to the coffee shop.

Oh, and it has a great bakery.


Hope everybody will be ok here.



  1. Have a good time off my friend. Sounds like it didn't come too soon.

  2. Make it a great holiday. Do lots of relaxing, and don't try to accomplish too much.

  3. It wouldn't happen to be Dog River would it?

  4. Um, it's actually about an hour away from Dog River.

    Same spirit though.


  5. Be rested

    Be loved

    Be happy



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