Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Thanks, to those of you who have mentioned me to God in the past little bit. It has helped, a lot.

The combined work stresses, together with hot weather and no sleep, and some kind of illness has left me a bit done in. Add to that some serious extended family stuff and car stuff, windows, flat tires, etc. And I'm hosed. There were a few moments I seriously thought I might be loosing it. 

But it's better now. There are moments of feeling overwhelmed, but there is a steady growing sense of God's presence and strong leading. He's taking me through some things, and he's going there with me. He is so strong, there is comfort in his strength.

Feels like a season of deep ... I don't know, "testing" seems so cliche, but the strength of the man is being tested. Some points are found weak and needing attention.

This week has been an extra blessing. Time to listen and hear. Time to feel his strength, and my weakness. Still a few scary times, but then there is strength, and mostly peace.

So thanks eh? I really do appreciate it.

You are good people.

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