Monday, September 12, 2005

Don Juan, and a lazy monday afternoon.

Over a year ago Lauralea and I were in Minneapolis for some meetings and it was on my priority list to eat at a Papa John's pizza place -don't ask. Well we did, and they gave away a free movie with each pizza purchased. We got a movie called Don Juan DeMarco.

To say we're busy is a bit of an understatement, because today Lauralea and I got around to watching this movie.

What a cool film. Great even.

It's a great date movie, and if you want to enjoy it all the more, watch it with your spouse, and no one else around. It will motivate you deeply; not to have sex, but to make love, which is a different thing entirely. 

(I do have a copy here that you can borrow, if you live in Prince Albert!)



  1. Just le'me know if you want to borrow it Marc!

  2. No time for that, Randall. I'm too busy studying quantum mechanics and string theory. I think I might have discovered the unifying theory of the universe!

  3. Hey... could I borrow that dvd? Please...

  4. Uh....could I reserve it for, say, ummmmmmm..... middle of December? Husband and friends just shot 3 moose.... so, between 3 moose, several deer and most likely an antelope he won't be available for anything other than cutting meat for several months!!

    Better reserve that for December, 2006!

  5. Hi Randall,

    Came in off Jordan Cooper's site.

    I remember this movie... don't you think that Brando wears a little too much makeup though?

  6. Randall. It's been a couple of weeks since I've visted. You've put up some great posts in the last couple of weeks. I remember watching this movie in the theater (theatre) when it came out. I loved the music ... and what a great story.

  7. Hey Steve, good to "see" you again. looking forward to next week.

    hey Matthew,

    yeah, I thought Brando was overdoing it in a couple of respects. It felt like he was a guy playing Brando in a movie...

    But like i said to Lauralea, hey, it's Brando, he can do whatever he likes.


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