Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Just a short note

Looong day. Good day. Awesome funeral. The Spirit was in the house. I'm soooooo tired. Goodnight.



  1. Thanks Randall, again, for making yesterday's funeral all that dear Tom would have wanted....and so much more. Yes, the Spirit was there in all His glory.

  2. It was a celebration because there was no doubt about Tom's status with God. He was a totally committed disciple of his Lord and Saviour. Watching his children and grandchildren participate in the service really drove home for me the importance of living a life of integrity and leaving a worthwhile legacy. Tom accomplished so much, but yet demonstrated so much humility.

    Randall you delivered a fine gospel message, as Tom would have wished.

    Peace to his memory.

  3. Thanks. I think Dad liked his funeral. It glorified God and that alone would honor my dad.

    Staff commented that it was one of the nicest funerals they had ever been too, that it was such a fitting celebration of dad's life. They said that yeah, it was long but it didn't seem like it to them.

    It was good.


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