Saturday, November 19, 2005

Scary. In a good way of course.

Becky's dad.

Micah's Dad

I always thought Mr. Bennetch was a fine looking man.


  1. It is almost too bizarre to imagine. And now you have a picture of what you may look like in the future. Just go find a recent picture of Mr. Bennetch

  2. My dad's a clean-shaven man these days.

    And I told you! (now you know how homesick I get when I'm around you sometimes)

  3. well the girls fit...I just couldnt remember Thomas looking that way...and I could remember ever seeing this pic before.....then I read the caption......a little scary....

  4. Upon showing this pic to the hubby, he assumes you two were separated at birth.

  5. Tell Lauralea she has a good looking husband! Now, remind Becky's dad about taking his wife out to dinner! Thanks for being Becky's Canadian Dad. Kathy (alias Becky's mom)

  6. :)

    You bet.

    Have a great thanksgiving this week.


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