Friday, December 23, 2005

Well, I suppose it's all done now

It's been a weird week this one has. After the tough deadlines of last week and working like a crazy beggar then, this week turns out quieter, with time to get the services ready, and time to get myself ready.

But I find myself a bit buzzed, still trying to focus after the frenzy that was last week.

In good news, I'm starting to get to know Lauralea again. In bad news, Johanna's been home a week and I have yet to have a good chat with her.

But I think everything is ready for the Christmas Eve service of Candles and Carols (7pm Saturday) and the Sunday morning Worship gathering (Christmas morning at 10 am). I've also cleared my desk because we've saved up a week of holidays for next week too. THAT I am looking forward to.

So, as we slide towards The Day, pray with me;

Keep us safe, Lord, while we are awake, and guard us as we sleep, so that we can keep watch with Christ and rest in peace.
Now, Master, you let your servant go in peace.
You have fulfilled your promise.
My own eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all peoples.
A light to bring the Gentiles from darkness; the glory of your people Israel.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,
world without end.

Keep us safe, Lord, while we are awake, and guard us as we sleep, so that we can keep watch with Christ and rest in peace.


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Play nice - I will delete anything I don't want associated with this blog and I will delete anonymous comments.